SAHPRA is a public entity under the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA, 1999, as amended) Schedule 3A under NDoH. It manages its assets in accordance with its Asset Management Policy. During this financial year under review, SAHPRA did not embark on any infrastructure projects, and did not close down or downgrade any facilities during the year.
No maintenance activities were undertaken during the year, as the entity did not own significant infrastructure or moveable assets that required continuous maintenance. SAHPRA has current office accommodation lease arrangements for its head and regional offices, and the rental expenses associated with the new operating lease agreement were appropriately disclosed in the notes of the Annual Financial Statements.
A significant portion of SAHPRA’s assets for the 2023/24 financial year comprises newly acquired assets. These acquisitions amounted to R13 million as at 31 March 2024. The new material acquisitions were motor vehicles (R2 million) and intangible assets (R8.6 million). The disposals for the year comprised old furniture and computer equipment that were no longer in use or had been replaced, which were either sold or donated. A significant portion of these assets was fully depreciated.